Ashtanga Vinyasa Yoga
72 postures in 90 minutes???? and that's just the "primary" series? Are you for real?? No really... it's an intense practice that begins with 5 sun salutation a's and then 5 b's (see link below). Very fast paced each movement happens with the breath and no one posture is held longer than 5 breaths. This practice was customized to young boys to help steady the hyperactivity of the mind and challenge the very agile young male body . For this reason, if you plan to try an ashtanga practice don't be surprised when you find yourself thinking "how in the world would I get my body to do that?" Asthanga takes us through intense postures that seem impossible to the average individual but for a seasoned practitioner are merely part of the regular practice. However if done with your personal experience and not competition in mind it is a beautiful practice that requires intense concentration testing the full range of motion and strength of the entire body. Word to the wise, if you have never attempted this practice, try a modified class for the simple purpose of finding your personal limitations and to become familiar with the sequence that is unchanging.
Ashtanga Yoga Institute- Official site of the father of Ashtanga Sri K Patabi Jois
Click here to download a guide to the Ashtanga Full Primary Series
What's a Sun Salutation????
In sanskrit, we call it Surya Namaskar. Surya is the sun god but maybe you're a little touchy about gods and stuff. In that case it's a great simple way to move the spine trough simple forward and back bends while warming up the muscles and ligaments from head to toe.
Click here to download a guide to Surya Namaskar A and B